Elementary Educator (K-6)
Jessica Picard
Elementary Educator
Certified in Colorado and New Hampshire
Message from me:
Each student learns differently and I believe that the pace and abilities of each student vary, therefore being flexible in your instruction is essential. Taking time to know your students and what works best for them will ultimately increase confidence and improve learning in the class. Creating a positive, trusted, and comfortable class environment is important to me. The pandemic allowed me to hone my technology skills and enhance academic achievement in my classroom, and as a result, I have become the technology support person among my peers. In this role, I have coached and aided students and staff on application usage for academic achievement and teacher supports. I have also applied for and received a grant to purchase robotics and more technology for my school. I find great joy in helping my students and colleagues solve problems with the multitude of tech tools available to them.
“Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best.” -Bob Talbert
Cover Letter
Keene State College
Dash Coding Robots
Items I got for my school through applying for a Stem Grant
OzoBot- Evo
3D Printer
With Fillament